Sunday Snapshot :: 4

So it's Monday already... but I promised the usual columns would still be up! So sorry I'm a day late on this post... Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

This photo is from my mom's side of the family's Family Reunion '09 at my uncle's house. I witnessed my mom kick butt while playing bags. (Or cornhole as they so unfortunately call it in St. Louis)

This weekend was jam packed with travel. My brother was visiting my parents so Sean and I met all three of them at a lovely winery that is about half way between where my parents live and where I live. And I forgot my phone. Good thing my dad switched the landline # we've had since I was a kid over to his cell a few years back, because that's the one number I still know by heart. And I forgot my Mother's Day gift. So I stopped to get a new one, and ended up waiting in line to checkout for a half hour, making us late. And I was so ticked off that I cried when we finally got there. So I'm a bit emotional. But we had a great time in the end!

Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day with Sean's family. They always make a fabulous feast, and it was a great day to sit outside and enjoy the pretty weather.

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