
Ooof. That is the sound of me hitting the couch for the evening.

Work has been crazy busy, and I was supposed to have a continuing ed class today, but found out when I got there that they had moved it to next Saturday. So I went down to Mardi Gras instead! And now I'm exhausted. St. Louis has the second largest Mardi Gras celebration in the nation and I've not gone since I moved here two years ago. Worth checking out, probably won't go back again. I just don't get the craziness about cheap plastic beads! You'd think they were throwing out dollar bills or something the way people act.

Celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow with (sneaky) Sean, who has been busy all day scheming something! I'm planning on adding a few things to the shop tomorrow afternoon before we go celebrate.

In lieu of any good pictures to post at the moment, I will leave you with a couple of fun videos. Well, fun if you know much about design, probably pretty silly if you don't. Either way, enjoy!

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