
I have to apologize for my lack of posting, and admit that this next week will be just as bare. I'm spending every spare second in front of my sewing machine. And somehow, an 18 hour day of sewing doesn't even phase me!

I'm really excited for my first craft show on June 5th! I wanted to give you a little sneak peek in lieu of usual posting so you can see what I've been up to...

That's a lot of baggage. Come visit my booth to check out the final products! And don't worry, for those of you who aren't in St. Louis, my photographer will be documenting the WHOLE day (as well as providing mental, physical and bathroom break support.)

I promise I'll be back to regular posting after June 5!

1 comment:

Come on I know I said something that you're just dying to comment on... won't you share what's on your mind? I love hearing what you have to say whether it's a response, a simple hello or a great idea. Comments make me smile!