Sunday Snapshot :: 6

I know, I know... it's Monday. But I meant to post this yesterday. You see, I had a weekend full of birthday celebration that I'd like to share with you.

My parents came to visit and we went out for Mexican food with Sean's parents. They also brought my dog for a vacation... and left her here. She'll be going back in late June.

 Sean made us Snickers flavored cupcakes (recipe from Food Network magzine) for breakfast on Saturday (my actual birthday.) We also had some delicious strawberry ganache filled sugar cookies (which are coated with salt) courtesy of my coworker.

Then we ate fettucini alfredo (my favorite) for lunch. We went to Macy's so I could buy a dress for an upcoming wedding that we're attending, and I ended up buying two. In a size smaller than I usually buy, I might add!

Then we met a bunch of friends for some bowling, beer, and junk food. Think I ate enough on my birthday? Yeah, I did. It was a good time. Mary says so. (Check out that strike! Deserving of the game face.)

I had an awesome birthday surrounded by people I love, and got some great gifts as well!

Yes, I was preoccupied with the LOST finale yesterday, and that's why the Sunday Snapshot is being posted today. I apologize... but it was a priority that was well worth prioritizing!

1 comment:

  1. Lost priorities are always appreciated. Your birthday sounds fabulous!! So glad you got to spend it with people you love.



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